Benefits of Eating Root King Walnuts Every day |
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Walnuts are among the oldest tree grown by man, it is such a super food that it is being highlighted back in 7000 B.C. Today, due to diet restrictions and disbeliefs people avoid eating walnuts considering that they are high in calories and fat dense in nature. However, the fact that walnuts are extremely rich in nutrition and their benefits range from metabolism to heart health and beauty cannot be missed.
Here are reasons why walnuts must be included as a part of healthy diet:
Contrary to what majority of the people believe, walnuts can form a part of weight management diet. Several studies have shown that regular consumption of walnuts is unlikely to cause weight gain or obesity. In fact, an ounce of walnuts contains 2.5g of omega 3 fats, 4g of protein and 2g of fibre that help provide satiety. Any successful weight management plan must include satiety factor. Walnut is the right food to consider if you are into a weight management programme.
Walnut is also a good ‘hair food’ too. This is because walnuts contain biotin (vitamin B7) that helps strengthen hair, reduce hair fall and improve hair growth to certain extent.
Among all the nuts, walnuts contain the highest antioxidant. Around 100 g of walnuts will give more than 20 mmol antioxidants, which makes them extremely effective in preventing heart disease by their ability to destroy free radicals. They are also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, making it a great snack to keep your heart in healthy.
Walnuts are rich in B-vitamins and antioxidants that prevents your skin from free radical damage and prevents wrinkles and signs of ageing. So, if you want glowing skin long into your middle-age, eat walnuts.
Eating walnuts everyday can help ward off dementia, say scientists. In the study, Dr Abha Chauhan and his team from the New York State Institute found that mice deprived of walnuts suffered a dramatic loss in learning, memory and physical and emotional control. According to the results, vitamin E and flavonoids in walnuts helped destroy harmful free radical chemicals that cause dementia.
Root King Focus Point - Walnut Oil Extract
It is pure and nutrient-rich, light taste without smell, similar to milk fatty acid, easily digested and absorbed into the body. It is suitable for youth development, women after birth recovery and senior health. Extracted walnut oil also contains squalene, omega 3 and 6, flavonoids, folic acid, minerals and other trace elements, and polyphenol compounds.
Root King – nature gives you the most natural care!
Root King believes in natures’ best and providing everyone a natural healthy life. Together with health experts and herbal producers, we explore the herbaceous and select precious herbs from all over the world to make daily health products. We use ingredient process by advanced extraction technology to obtain the active components of the herbs while retaining its natural essence than traditional method. The process helps filter out toxins so it is free from impurities and harmful components found in the raw herbs, making it safe for daily consume. The extracted ingredients are also water soluble and easily absorb into the body.
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根王补脑素 新鲜核桃仁制成
由新加坡天然保健品牌根王推出的根王补脑素(Root King Focus Point),使用新鲜纯正的核桃仁压榨出的植物油为主要原料。它含天然维生素A及D等营养物质,口感清淡无异味,容易消化吸收,是儿童发育期、女性妊娠期及产后康复的高级保健食用油。

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