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1. Marcus SM, Young EA, Kerber KB, Kornstein S, Farabaugh AH, Mitchell J, Wisniewski SR, Balasubramani GK, Trivedi MH, Rush AJ: Gender differences in depression: findings from the STAR*D study. J Affect Disord 2005, 87(2-3):141-150.

2. Mackenzie CS, Reynolds K, Cairney J, Streiner DL, Sareen J: Disorder-specific mental health service use for mood and anxiety disorders: associations with age, sex, and psychiatric comorbidity. Depress Anxiety 2012, 29(3):234-242.

3. Silveira PP, Pokhvisneva I, Howard DM, Meaney MJ: A sex-specific genome-wide association study of depression phenotypes in UK Biobank. Mol Psychiatry 2023.

4. Howard DM, Adams MJ, Shirali M, Clarke TK, Marioni RE, Davies G, Coleman JRI, Alloza C, Shen X, Barbu MCet al: Genome-wide association study of depression phenotypes in UK Biobank identifies variants in excitatory synaptic pathways. Nat Commun 2018, 9(1):1470.

5. Policicchio S, Washer S, Viana J, Iatrou A, Burrage J, Hannon E, Turecki G, Kaminsky Z, Mill J, Dempster ELet al: Genome-wide DNA methylation meta-analysis in the brains of suicide completers. Transl Psychiatry 2020, 10(1):69.

6. Wu G, Fang YZ, Yang S, Lupton JR, Turner ND: Glutathione metabolism and its implications for health. J Nutr 2004, 134(3):489-492.

7. Kennedy AJ, Rahn EJ, Paulukaitis BS, Savell KE, Kordasiewicz HB, Wang J, Lewis JW, Posey J, Strange SK, Guzman-Karlsson MCet al: Tcf4 Regulates Synaptic Plasticity, DNA Methylation, and Memory Function. Cell Rep 2016, 16(10):2666-2685.

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